I began my film career in 1989 as the stunt turtle, "Leonardo" in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze. It was this experience that helped shape my future career, as I realized that filmmaking was the only path I now wished to pursue.


For the next 25 years, I flipped cars, fell off of bunkers, was set on fire, exploded, stabbed, kicked, hit by cars, hit by bottles and shot by every type of gun imaginable. I've been thrown through glass by Steven Segal, clotheslined by Wesley Snipes, flipped to the ground by Michael Jackson and shot by Nicholas Cage, Mel Gibson, Ice Cube, Kurt Russell and many others in some of the biggest action films in Hollywood.


Through my career, I have appeared in more than 100 feature films and over 300 episodes of Television but more importantly, I have acquired the knowledge, skills and experience to be an effective stuntman.